Work with Carol over Zoom

  • 1:1 Intuitive Energy Work

    Looking to relax, decrease anxiety and pain or want an overall wellness boost. Book a individual energy session over Zoom. We will begin with a brief discussion on the intention for the energy work session. Then the client will relax and I will guide you through a grounding mediation, and then just relax during the energy work session which will assist in clearing, energizing and balancing all seven levels of your individual energy field. The goal of the session is to restore harmony and balance to your energy field allowing for self-healing to take place. We will end the session with suggestions for self-care to continue you on your healing journey.

  • 1:1 Tarot Readings

    Looking for a general reading, an upcoming life event reading or do you have specific questions about your life? Let’s tap into your intuition and see what your next steps should be. Schedule an individual tarot reading.

  • 1:1 Human Design Reading

    Book a personal human design reading to review your HD chart and how your specific design can help you in your daily life: making decisions, in your relationships and the benefits of understanding and embracing your authentic self. Each session will include a copy of your chart and an introduction about how to live life for your highest good with your energy type & strategy, authority, energy centers and profile.

  • Classes and Workshops over Zoom

    Coming Soon ~ live Zoom classes ~ want to learn more about Human Design and how to use it in your life, relationships and workplace? Join us for this 2 hour class and learn more about Human Design and how to apply your design to your daily life.